Thursday – A Little Personal – Lucy is Concerned About Twiggy’s Teeth Cleaning

“So, how did the procedure go, Little One?”

“I’m never speaking to mom again.”

“Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad.”

“How do you know? You weren’t there.”

“I’ve had my teeth cleaned many times, so I do know.”

“Yeah, but my procedure was the worst.”

“Open your mouth and let me see.”

“There is no way I’m letting you look in my mouth.”

“Okay then, if you won’t let me look, let’s play tag. You’re it.”

“Why am I always it. You should be it sometime.”

“Well, catch me and I will be it.”

“No fair. Your legs are longer. You can move faster.”

“You don’t see me moving at all right now.”

“That could be true, but I think I hear some kibble falling into a bowl.”

“You can forget kibble for a while. You get soft food so you won’t hurt your teeth.”

“Soft food? What kind of soft food?”

“Well, mom takes your kibble and then soaks it in water.”

“Now that sounds horrific.”

“It’s not so bad, and it will feel good on your teeth.”

“I think a nice thick steak would feel better.”

“Of course, I have to wonder, when was the last time you had a steak?”

“Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.”


  1. Oh, the dreaded teeth cleaning! Twiggy seems to have survived it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She came through like a bulldog. She is fine. Thanks, Darlene.

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  2. Twiggy’s grumpiness is obvious, although she clearly hasn’t lost her sense of slightly ironic humor. Even after she’s all healed up, I’d not give her that steak, though. I have a feeling she’d begin expecting it on a regular basis!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well ,since none of us eat beef I have to wonder where she got that idea.😁


  3. haha, Steak is always better! Rare with a touch of my mom’s steak sauce or a sprinkling of Everglades Seasoning… uh, oh, I just made myself hungry.
    Enjoy your Kibble, Twiggy!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You made me hungry in the process, GP. 😁

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      1. 😁😎

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  4. Steak? BTW, don’t see the water buffalo around…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think Twiggy was hallucinating. There hasn’t been steak in our house sine 1991. 😁


  5. Poor Twiggy. Dentist visits are rough for all species apparently.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes I think we all are in the same boat on that score. 😁


  6. Oh poor Twiggy. Though I know that her parents take such good care of her that the cleaning can’t be all that bad…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. No, it really wasn’t. The anesthesia was the worst of it. Thanks, Dale.

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      1. Yeah. Poor Zeke ended up losing five teeth when he last had his teeth cleaned. He was soo woozy when I picked him up; poor guy.

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      2. The big ones seem to come out of the anesthesia slower. Lucy had to be carried. Twiggy looked like she had been on a walk. Go figure. (Might be age too.)

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      3. I’m thinking the age made the big difference. I think Zeke was 9 or 10. I had to pick him up to get him into my car. (No easy task as he was about 80 lbs!)

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      4. Lucy is 15 so I think it is an age thing

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      5. 15! Wow! That is wonderful and yes, I do think it is an age thing.

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  7. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    The dog whisperer has penned a great story today. Loved it! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Glad you did. Thanks for letting me know. 😊

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  8. I love it. She does look a little grumpy.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She has a hard time hiding her feelings for sure. Thanks, Craig.

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  9. Poor Twiggy. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Jill. 😁


  10. ‘Never speaking to Mom again’ … hahaha! Wonderful interplay between these two best buddies, John. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Hugs 💕🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Harmony. I hope you have a super day too. 🤗

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  11. The power of positive thinking, indeed. Poor Twiggy.

    Belly rubs to the girls. 💕 Thanks, John.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Miss Staci. 😁

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  12. Why do I find it hard to believe that Twiggy wasn’t cooperative and patient? May have to threaten the Trauma Queen with sedation.

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    1. The vet tech said she was an angel. (They always say that) Of course they do knock them out for the procedure.

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      1. Great news! …. I wonder how the tech would do with a lie detector.

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  13. Jane Sturgeon · ·

    Poor Twiggy, and bless mom with the soft kibble. Much love to you and your girls, John. Xx 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And our love back to you, Jane. ❤️

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  14. I’m with Twiggy. A nice juicy steak sounds wonderful!

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    1. She will have to go to a different house. We gave up beef in 1991. 🤣 She was having a moment for sure.

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  15. I’m with Twiggy – the steak sounds much better.

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  16. Those can be difficult treatments. It’s good to see she made it through. I love the picture of Twiggy going up the steps. Looks like a bit of a challenge for her. And, I’m with the others and her, a steak, John. Perhaps a bit of yours???

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Twiggy is a jokester. We haven’t had beef in the house since 1991. 😁 That goes for the pouches too.

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  17. None of us like to go to the dentist, Twiggy! I am with you. I am sure Dad will grill you up a steak if you look pitiful enough.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha ha ha. Thanks, Maggie.

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      1. Always a pleasure, John.

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  18. All girls have issues, and I don’t blame Twiggy one bit having someone intrude into her mouth that way.

    As for tag, she does have a point, with Lucy’s legs the length of Michael Jordan’s.

    Love that she protested being it. Atta girl! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😁 She does stand up for her rights. Thanks, Susannah.

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  19. Steak! Thanks for sharing the girls’ conversation, John. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My pleasure, Tim. Thanks for reading.

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  20. A steak might actually help Twiggy move past the atrocities perpetrated on her. We can only hope….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think big naps help too. Thanks, Marc.

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      1. I’m sure of it.

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  21. Oh, the dreaded teeth cleaning! Poor Twiggy, but Lucy is so understanding, trying to distract her. Steak? They will need to keep thinking about that. Thanks for sharing the girls’ fun!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Noelle. Thanks for reading.


    1. Thank you, Holly. 😊

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  22. I hope the kibble does feel good on her teeth and yes, to positive thinking for that steak! 😂
    I’m glad she was trooper for her cleaning.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She really was. Thank you, Deborah. 😁

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  23. oh trust me, if he’s anything like my dog.. a quick jump on the que or a steal from a worker, I’m sure they’ve had one somewhere🥹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Cindy. 😊

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  24. Teeth cleaning is always a good thing, but I certainly enjoy the destination in this instance instead of the journey. Being done the teeth cleaning > getting the teeth cleaning done. In any case, I am sure both the girls have mastered the art of the “I’d rather have steak look.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes they do have that look down pat. Thanks, Bruce.

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  25. I don’t blame Twiggy for not being keen on waterlogged kibble. Perhaps some ice cream, or would the cold hurt her teeth?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She has never had ice cream. I wonder if she would like it? She doesn’t like the water soaked kibble. That’s for sure.

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      1. Our dog loves doggie ice cream.

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      2. Ours have not had it yet. Another reason we are the worst parents. 😁 Don’t tell Twiggy about it.

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      3. Mum’s the word . . .

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  26. I always enjoy these two and have to agree that you should never underestimate the power of positive thinking!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree. Thanks, Jan


  27. Poor Twiggy! Dentists horrify the dog world as well. 😁 Anyway, it is over now & the Twiggy resort can return back to its normal life. Thank you for the report, dear John.🍤🍤🍤🍻Happy spring time!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes we are always glad to have it over and done.

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      1. 😁😁😁 White teeth is not a dog problem. Happy life, you know…:-)

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      2. Twiggy has not wondered if her teeth are white enough, nor has Lucy.


      3. Imagine, if they were worried about it? THey would have asked you to buy Colgate. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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      4. Or whiting strips.

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      5. 😁😁😁

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  28. Poor Twiggy. Sounds like the teeth-cleaning put her in a cantankerous mood! She doesn’t usually bicker with Big Sis this way. I imagine she won’t be happy on the water-logged kibble either. Hang in there, Little One — this, too, shall pass.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No she didn’t like the water logged kibble at all. So we will have to figure another way.

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      1. Would canned food work? Dallas used to like that. Its water content is more than kibble, so maybe it would be softer for her gums?

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      2. Sadly we had no time to transition. To go from one to the other too quickly causes upset digestive systems.


  29. Ugh, I hate it when any of my cats have to have their teeth cleaned. With the older ones, it often meant extractions as well as cleaning. Fortunately, the oldest of our three–Junior–has had all his teeth removed (over time because of extractions) so at least he doesn’t need to go through any more 😉 You know, for a disgruntled pup, Twiggy does have a positive attitude 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She is a good patient. Thanks, Marie

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  30. it is hard to suffer but the end result is a positive one.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, indeed. Thanks, Pamela.

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  31. Poor Twiggy, but Lucy will help her make the best of it. Thanks for another visit with the girls, John. Hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the visit as well, Teagan.


  32. Poor Twiggy! I guess Lucy could sense her displeasure at mom. Maybe she can get some sympathy from dad. Not sure about the water soaked kibbles. I have seen a grackle dip a piece of dry dog food in our bird bath then fly off with it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She is not fond of water soaked kibble. Thanks, Jo. I think she would like a grackle though.


  33. petespringerauthor · ·

    Don’t you wonder what dogs think about everything we put them through? “Easter’s right around the corner. Why don’t we put these bunny ears on you so we can take your picture?”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha h a ha. I know they think we are nuts.

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  34. Remember Gravy Train, which made its own gravy when you soaked it with water?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do remember gravy train. 😁

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  35. I’m with Twiggy. I fear the dentist, but for no reason at all. 🙂 Hope the kibble tastes like steak! Great photos, John!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha ha ha. Thanks, Lauren.

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  36. A nice thick steak… good point, Twiggy.

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  37. Gee Twiggy, how long will you have to eat kibble mush?
    If it’s any consolation, I’m going to the dentist this week.
    Okay, tell dad the shoot is over.
    I hope the article is a good one.
    At least I have a photo with my grey hair.
    🐂⬜️ 🪨🪨 – r ⬜️ 🕰🕰 – cl ⬜️ 🐂⬜️

    I’m in a cryptic mood.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Just two weeks Miss Resa. Good luck at the dentist. Will we get see see your photo and read the interview? 🐂⬜️ 🪨🪨 – r ⬜️ 🕰🕰 – cl ⬜️ 🐂⬜️ What is in these grey boxes. 🧦🧦 -s x4


      1. Your dad will get to see and read the article. Also a few of my closer blog pals and family. If I’m happy with it…. I’ll post it!
        The grey boxes are filled with kisses, but don’t tell dad! 😉 Those kisses are for you girls!

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      2. We won’t tell. 💋💋x8 (four from each of us) Dad is on his own. 🐂 🐂 🐂 🐂

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  38. Poor Twiggy, I am not a fan of teeth cleaning either.

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    1. I’m not either. 😳

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