Tag Archives: Jan Hawke Author

Guesting in Siân Glírdan’s Green Room #RRBC

Today I have the pleasure of being a guest of Siân Glírdan in her green room before taking off on a fabulous adventure. I have been given the opportunity of taking a trip to an exotic destination which is explained in the post. I also am allowed to take anything I wish to enhance my experience. […]

A Big Thank You to Jan Hawke( @Janhawke ) for Helping Introduce #Newbook Our Justice

  Thank you, Jan Hawke for your post announcing the launch of Our Justice. You can go to see the post HERE.

The Fantasy Freebooting Tour with Jan Hawke #RRBC

  Please join me in welcoming Jan Hawke to Fiction Favorites. She is on a 4Wills Publishing Tour and I’m so happy  she decided to make my place one of her stops. Fan fiction as backstory Because we weren’t allowed to play even minor characters from the original books (and films) we were given a […]

A Huge Thanks to Jan Hawke for the His Revenge Launch Help #RRBC

Jan Hawke is helping launch His Revenge. You can visit her post HERE. I want to thank her for helping and to give you a little information about her. Jan Hawke is the author of  Milele Safari: An Eternal Journey. (click the cover to visit Amazon) She is also a very supportive member of Rave Reviews […]

Tuesday – Anything Possible – #RRBC Author Jan Hawke

I am so pleased to Welcome author Jan Hawke to Fiction Favorites. Jan is on a 4Wills Publishing MILELE SAFARI Blog Tour in celebration of her book Milele Safari a wonderful fictional African story. Jan the post is yours to give some background to your book. Thanks, John Tanzania was somewhere I always dreamed of going to one […]