Friday is Here. Yay.



Friday again and it has arrived just in time to make a truly great weekend. Good weekends seem to happen more than they are planned. Usually when we make some big plan for the weekend things happen to disrupt what we had intended. When we plan nothing for the weekend those plans usually go through without a hitch and in the end a great weekend has been had. Just shows, expectation of a good time sets you up for the possibility of disappointment. In the end, maybe it’s better not to have plans and therefore no expectations, since this would be a way to eliminate disappointment. Naw I don’t think so. Living to avoid disappointment is way too negative. Half the enjoyment of doing something fun is looking forward to the activity. Here is a Johnku on the subject of planning for fun.

Fun by John W. Howell © 2014

Fun plan is ready,

Anticipation very high . . .

Summer rain melts cake.

I always wonder what others do on their weekends. Do you plan for a great weekend or just let it happen? When the plans fall through is it worse than having no plans at all?


  1. “When we plan nothing for the weekend those plans usually go through without a hitch…”

    Uhm…do you mean when you plan for nothing nothing happens without a hitch or do you mean unexpected and remarkable things happen? 😉


    1. No plan no surprise. No plan has as a sum zero base, no expectations, so whatever happens has a positive probability of good result. BTW did you receive my letter?


      1. I did. Reply is stuck in my pen 😉 Working to remedy that.


      2. No hurry. Just didn’t know if pony express made the delivery


  2. Sometimes I plan and things never go the way I expect. So I go with the flow most weekends. At least I try to. Apparently, I’m not allowed to relax too much around here.


    1. Tough to do in your situation. I once had my in-laws living with me (I took them in) and I found it hard to relax due to some of the comments about relaxing.


      1. Yeah. Those comments can get pretty nasty at times. Throw the toddler in and it’s an even bigger mess.


  3. Love the Johnku 🙂 I’ve pretty much lived my life with low expectations. I suppose one could say I’m trying to avoid disappointment. I like to think that I’m just trying to enjoy life as it is, without expecting it to be more. Okay, that’s getting a little too existential. Unfortunately our weekend plans usually just mean trying to relax, write, read, and catch up on household chores that we didn’t have time to do during the week. I know. Boring 😉


    1. Life itself is a challenge so a weekend to recharge is not boring, but rather refreshing. I always take a lesson from my pets. The are always in the moment and very happy. Why do we think we need to whip ourselves into a frenzy to meet expectations that may or may not be the best for a happy outcome? Here, take a puff of this bong and let’s get into deep existential philosophy. I’ll light the incense. 🙂


      1. I agree … Our furry friends can teach us a lot about life and expectations. Thanks for the hit 😉


  4. I like the term Johnku 😊


  5. Weekends are always sort of up in the air – determined by my boys. One thing is for certain – I clean. I dig the Johnku:) xx


    1. You coined the term and will forever be famous. (sorry I forgot the pingback on this post. Next week I promise)


      1. No need to ping – my Johnku is a gift to you – which is a gift to us;)


      2. Awww *smooch*


      3. ~blushing~


      4. Still gonna ping though. 🙂


  6. Listening ti a bit of Chicago music are we? I have meeting through Half the time I am in a position to go, half the time not,. But I noticed if I RSVP’d yes, I’d end up not going, No and I’d end up going


    1. I know what you mean. I had a seminar last night that I said I would attend. I cut the class. I hope the asst. principle won’t catch me.


  7. The professor usually just lets it happen!


    1. Excellent way to raise the probability of a good outcome except when forgetting to fuel an airplane. Thanks


  8. Move the cake inside, John. You saw the clouds. Enjoy your weekend!


    1. Too easy

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  9. Running and Writing mostly John. With a pint or two on Sunday night.


    1. Too bad you can’t eliminate the running.

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      1. Sadly I have come to love it – espeically at 6 am on a sunny spring morning.


      2. Well I ride a bike eight miles on the sand. So I should understand.

        On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



  10. Someone left the cake out in the rain?!


    1. And it took so long to bake it.

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  11. I always plan for chaos and I’m never disappointed. Go figure. 😛
    I never “got” that song.


    1. The cake is the environment. Maybe that will help. Planning for chaos is a very smart way to go. 🙂


      1. Ooooh, the cake is the environment! I never would have got that. Thanks, John. I’ll have to listen to it again with that in mind.


      2. 😎🍷

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  12. Nothing planned for this weekend and no expectations, which is perhaps a little negative, but it’s very wet here and besides I am enjoying watching the rugby internationals on TV. I liked the Johnku.


    1. We have the Belmont stakes (horse race) today. It is the last of three races and California Chrome has the potential to win. If so, he will have won all three. (Triple Crown) Last time one horse won all three was in 1978. So we (we are horse people) are very much looking forward to the race.


  13. I like to go back and forth between having weekends that are all planned out and then weekends that are blissfully unscheduled. This past weekend was very uneventful and I couldn’t have loved it any more.


    1. I had the same. Nice.


  14. I love the term Johnku 🙂


    1. I do too. The term was coined by and I give her the credit.


  15. My plan…put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up:-)


    1. and call the doctor in the morning


  16. Docs way too costly…only trust a good “tree doctor” and haven’t seen one since I was in Eckerd Drug some 30+ years ago!


    1. Jim, I think you ought to seriously start a blog


      1. John, you stop that right now! You’re just pulling my tooth:-)


      2. How did you get the name naked reverse?


      3. No real story here…tried several others and they were taken. Not sure what even caused this name come to mind. This is the only site I have ever used NR:-) I’m going to see if “BT” is available then you will always know it is me…your last remaining favorite serf.


      4. I knew it was you from the start. I love the gravitar. The silver beard is especially nice.


      5. Thank you very much you silver tounge devil….:-)
