Top Ten Things Not to do On Your First Anniversary

Here is the 52nd installment of Ten Top Lists of What Not to Do by Marie Ann Bailey of 1WriteWay at and John W. Howell of Fiction Favorites at These lists are simu-published on our blogs each Monday. We hope you enjoy.


The Top Ten Things Not to do On Your First Anniversary

  1. If it is your first wedding anniversary, do not think your spouse will find it funny if you pretend to forget your wedding date.  If you do pretend to forget, at best your spouse will forgive you after you’ve recited a dozen mea culpas and treated your spouse to a romantic candlelit dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town.  At worst, your spouse will demand, in addition to the mea culpas and romantic dinner, you be solely responsible for cleaning out your cat’s litter box until your second wedding anniversary.
  2. If it is your first wedding anniversary, do not assume your spouse will want to celebrate the anniversary with all your family, friends, and the same people at your wedding.  If you do, at best your spouse will grudgingly put up with a crush and noise of partygoers.  At worst, your spouse will commit a disappearing act (sneaking out of the house to have that nice, quiet dinner your spouse really wanted), leaving you to be solo host, as well as clean-up crew after the party.
  3. If it is your first work anniversary, do not think you should necessarily expect some congratulations from your boss and coworkers.  At best, you will get some recognition for having stayed in the job for a year since no one else (including your boss) has, an insight which might cause you to start looking for another job.  At worst, you try to throw your own party during lunch time in the conference room which coincides with your boss’s own planned luncheon with the CEO, CFO, CIO, and COO, and you wind up playing caterer to them since you are now too embarrassed to admit the food was for your own party.
  4. If it is your first work anniversary, do not insist on going to the most expensive restaurant to celebrate with your boss and coworkers.  If you do, at best, no one will complain about the fact that all any of them (except your boss) can afford is the Caesar salad and a glass of ice water.  At worst, in honor of your anniversary, your boss will publicly suggest you pay the bill for the entire table since your anniversary grants you a 1.0% raise which, after taxes, translates to a 0.3% raise which after a year will cover the cost of the meal.
  5. If it is the first anniversary of your first date, do not think your significant other will be unaware of the fact.  If you do, at best, your significant other will accept your apologies for forgetting and you make a promise to yourself not to forget the second anniversary.  At worst, your significant other will accept your apologies and then suggest perhaps it’s time to see other people, letting you know in no-uncertain terms there will not be a second anniversary.
  6. If it is the first anniversary of your first date, do not think a simple greeting card will be enough to celebrate the event.  If you do, at best, your significant other will simply sigh and make arrangements for a nice dinner at the restaurant where you had your first date.  At worst, your significant other will make reservations at a very expensive restaurant you’ve always wanted to go but never had the money and then after dessert tell you its time for you both to see other people.  For the cherry on top, your significant other will abruptly leave, grabbing the foil wrapped coq au vin, but leaving the check which, of course, you cannot pay except with long hours of dishwashing.
  7. If it is your first blogging anniversary, do not think no one will care if you ignore the event.  If you do, at best, your readers will likely be confused when you start writing posts beginning “When I began blogging over a year ago ….”since it’s fairly common to celebrate such an event and they won’t understand why you didn’t.  At worst, you’ll be out spotlighted into shame by your fellow bloggers who go ahead and post about their first-year anniversary while you sit and watch their readership grow as yours sinks.
  8. If it is your first blogging anniversary, do not think you can crowdsource your way to a fancy restaurant to celebrate.  If you do, at best, you’ll gain enough for a tip  and your readers will just shake their heads over your impudence and continue to read your blog anyway.  At worst, a number of fellow bloggers will show up at a fancy restaurant expecting you to share your crowdsourced meal for one with all of them, forcing you to eventually crowdsource to get enough money to pay the bill so you don’t have to wash the restaurant’s dishes for the next month.
  9. If it is the first anniversary of your book, do not think it would be gauche to promote the hell out of it on your important day.  If you do, at best, an ardent fan will realize the date and promote your book for you, giving you an uptick in sales which you otherwise would not have had.  At worst, you miss your window of opportunity and your post-first anniversary sale bombs since no one understands what a year and a day anniversary is all about.
  10. If it is the first anniversary of your book, do not hesitate to promote the hell out of it on that important day.  If you do hesitate, at best, you’ll get a lukewarm response of increased sales from your lukewarm effort.  At worst, your promotion will be so tepid none of your readers will understand what you are promoting and miss the opportunity to purchase your book at less than the cost of a tall skinny Vanilla latte.

I am saddened by Marie Ann Bailey’s announcement that she will not be continuing as a collaborator on this feature. Her plate is full and needs to devote more time to other priorities. Since this post is the first year anniversary of our collaboration I think I forgot a gift and she believes it is time to see other people. I will miss her collaboration but will retain her friendship. Plans to continue are in place and you can read about them on Wednesday.


  1. Great anniversary list. Sorry the band is breaking up.


  2. Helena Hann-Basquiat · ·

    happy anniversary, John.


    1. Thank you, Helena. It’s been so much fun.


  3. I am so glad you are continuing this, John. I am sad, too, and so very much appreciate your understanding. Mwah!


  4. Happy anniversary both of you. Will miss you Marie, but certainly understand. I can’t maintain a schedule for anything and am amazed at people who do. Glad you will keep it going John.


  5. Yep. If Jules ever does that on our first anniversary it will be our last anniversary:)


    1. I worry about him. You sure Englishmen remember stuff like that?


      1. He never misses tea time:)


      2. LOL

        On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



  6. I confess, I only read it on one of your blogs each week. Alternating. Now it’ll be one-stop shopping. 😉


  7. I read on both blogs (because I’m like that), and I’m sad to hear of your departure, Marie. I hope it’s temporary. I’m glad you’ll be continuing, John.


    1. Thanks Andra.
