Thank you Marie Ann Bailey for Helping Launch His Revenge


Marie Bailey)

Marie Ann Bailey is helping with the His Revenge Launch today. You can see her post on her blog 1 Write Way.  I would like to thank Marie as she is a wonderful person who dedicates herself to her job, her husband, her cats, her knitting and most certainly to her writing. Marie is the author of 1WriteWay a delicious combination of original work, collaboration, interesting reblogs and other supporting posts in favor of supporting other authors.

I have also had the pleasure to work with Marie on the collaborative posts that were simu-published on each of our blogs on Mondays for a year. She was a delight in the collaboration. (And made me look good to boot.)

Marie is currently participating in NaNoWriMo and has great expectations of achieving the 50,000-word target. I have faith she will make it.

Here is more about Marie in her own words. Thank you so much, Marie

“I am a writer, living with three cats, more yarn than I can knit up in a lifetime, and a dear husband who doubles as my best friend.  I started this blog a few years ago when I was toying with the idea of becoming a freelance editor.  I wanted to be a serious resource of all things related to writing and editing.  But then life happened, I got distracted, and went offline for a while.  Now I’m back but with a different purpose for this blog.  I just want to write.  I’m old enough to be looking forward to retirement (as opposed to what my next career move should be), and the more writing I can do now, the better shape I’ll be in to make writing my primary focus when I’m no longer at the office 40 hours a week.  I enjoy my current job and my coworkers and that actually has made it more difficult to be disciplined with my writing.  I do derive intrinsic satisfaction from what I do at the daily grind, but the urge to write hasn’t left.  In fact, the more I think about retirement, the more I want to write.

I started writing about when I was 9 years old.  At least, I remember once reading aloud a story to my 4th grade class.  I took creative writing classes whenever I could, joined the college literary guilds, and participated in readings.  But I was never very confident (if at all) about my writing talent, and it was easy for me to “give up” periodically, in spite of the support I got from mentors and fellow writers.  And once I got a “real” job (in an office with a biweekly paycheck and benefits), it was hard to argue with anyone that I should or could expect to do better by writing.  I’ve made a lot of detours in the past 30 years, trying to become a “professional” whatever (social worker, data analyst), trying to believe in careers and working in offices and 401k’s.  But now that I’m about 10 years shy of official retirement (fewer years if I’m lucky), I’ve finally started to wake up to the fact that those things–career, working in an office, going to meetings, conferences–means little to me.  I’d rather be writing (ideally, in my jammies with a pot of hot tea for fuel).

I also have the slightly queasy sense of time running out.  I’m way past the halfway mark, even if genetics are in my favor and I live to my mom’s age of 90 (and counting).  Anything can happen, and I have more time to make up for than I have time left.  So I’m dusting off the blog and hope that people stop by, have a read, and enjoy themselves.  I welcome any comments on any of my posts.  The “Like” buttons are a nice new feature at WordPress, but if you do like my posts, I hope you can take a moment to tell me why.  I will reciprocate.”


  1. Thank you for this, John!

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    1. You are so welcome. 🙂

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