Friday JohnKu – AKA- TGIF


Friday has to one of the best days of the week. I know when I get up on Friday, I feel like it is special somehow. Just knowing Saturday is just eight hours and change away puts a smile on my face. It wasn’t always that way. I remember when I was held prisoner by organized commerce, Fridays were always unique in that major and sometimes traumatic events took place on a Friday.

There were always staff meetings on Friday and they were usually good times spent with colleagues trying as best as possible to explain misses in the goal, budget, or quota. It became a game of verbal dodgeball played with all the rules of a cage death match. The song “Only the Strong Survive” continually played in your head. By five o’clock all the combatants have been vanquished and the boss can now enjoy the weekend.

Fridays are the days when those who are being made available to the industry are informed of their new mobile status. What makes the occasion so festive is the presence of security and the collection of personal effects to be placed in a cardboard box for the walk of shame. These occasions always reminded me of the tale of Lady Godiva who although naked no one in the village looked except a guy named Tom. In a similar manner, no one looks at the person moving slowly to the exit.

Fridays are the days when new managers have meetings to explain to the population the rules of conduct going forward. These meetings take on the air of capitulation almost like foreign troops occupying a town. There are the usual subjects which raise their hands and ask questions only to noticed by the new overload. There are also those whose conduct serves to let the new overlord know they are fully co-operative and totally on board with the new changes. These are the ones who could be labeled collaborators when the next regime liberates the group. The offshoot of this kind of meeting is clandestine plans of resistance formulated in a secret bar by the loyal few who plan the overthrow.

I guess Friday should be simply the end of the work week. Today’s JohnKu talks about Friday.

Friday by John W. Howell © 2106

It’s only a day,

Although it seems so special. . .

We still love it, though.


  1. I suppose a Friday staff meeting is better than one on a Monday morning…although most meetings seem to be a waste of time.
    Your Johnku is spot on, John. I’m so looking forward to a long weekend. I might not be around as I plan to go off line in order to get my draft completed…we’ll see how that goes.
    Enjoy the holiday, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Best of everything on the draft, Jill. Hopefully you will be able to take some jill time as well. 🙂

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      1. I hope so John…thanks. 🙂

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  2. Those Friday meetings always felt like they were designed to make sure you came in. Guess nobody wanted employees to look forward to the weekends either. Great way of putting it though. “The boss can now enjoy the weekend”. Seems about right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. it always seemed that way to me.


  3. I love the phrase “held prisoner by organized commerce”. I worked in a “right to hire” state in a phone center for some years. We were monitored and I’ve seen people take “the walk of shame”. We were warned “never, ever” to mention the word “union”. It was scary. O_o —- Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually worked strike duty in a union call center one time. The managers of that center were totally nuts. No wonder the workers felt the need to walk out. I outranked them by at least three levels and they scared me to death. Thanks Suzanne. 🙂


  4. I love those comparisons. Lady Godiva, occupying army, all of it. So much truth there.

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  5. Thank God!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Not too soon.


  6. Another wonderful thing about working for myself — NO Friday staff meetings! And no having to cringe while some hapless colleague takes that walk of shame, either! Happy Friday to you, John! (Don’t you just love all these exuberant exclamation points?!?!)

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    1. Those exuberant exclamation points look terrific!!!!!!

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  7. Perfect! Friday is special. Ha ha.
    Nobody pays attention during Friday afternoon meetings, do they?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never did. 🙂

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      1. Me neither, and Mondays (groan) weren’t any better. 😀 😀

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      2. Okay. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays as well. Sigh. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the swell reblog, Gerald.


  8. The best day of the week is the one I wake up to … after all, consider the alternative. …. Friday seems like a lousy time for meetings … then again, I didn’t like staff meetings … too much nonproductive or counterproductive gibberish. Enjoy your Friday and the weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You too, Frank.:-)


  9. Corporate Fridays sound pretty stressful, but intriguing. Hopefully you’re done with them for this lifetime. Enjoy the margarita.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes this lifetime I’m finished with Corporate America. Have a good one Guy.


  10. I agree! Even though I have not worked 8-5 for years, I am always glad to see Friday and anticipate the weekend. Cheers, John! Stay safe on the Memorial weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. You as well.


  11. And even more special this week John because our office closed at noon. Enjoy the weekend. Will this weekend bring visitors to the beach?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A bunch. I’ll have pictures Sunday.

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  12. My haiku is called “Antibiotics”

    Holiday weekend
    I’m not allowed alcohol
    At least the sun’s out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice. Sad thing too.

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  13. We do indeed, John.
    Thank you for this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. 🙂
