Thursday – A Little Personal – Lawn Day

Lucy and Twiggy

“I hear something, Lucy.”

“There is someone working next door.”

“Now, I hear something, Little One.”

“What is it?”

“Sounds like the gate opened. Let’s check it out.”

“Whoa, look at this equipment.”

“Whose stuff is that anyway?”

“I heard the boss was going to do his own lawn. Looks like he has the mower, trimmer, and blower out.”

“You think he can do it?”

“Oh yeah. He’s been mowing his own lawn for decades.”

“A decade is ten years, right? How many decades?”

“Hmmm. I think he started when he was ten years old.”

“Okay, we don’t have enough toes to count. Let’s just leave it at he has experience. What happened to the crew?”

“You know the boss. All type A and such. They didn’t do a good enough job.”

“Yeah, I can get that. Plus, they made me bark till I was hoarse. Let’s go play before he comes out.”

“I still hear something, Lucy.”

“Forget it. I’ll give you till three to haul butt to the side patio. Last one there is a cat.”


  1. The fun of yard work.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hahaha. Thanks, Charles.


  2. Not enough toes, huh? Poor girls. And poor you for having to do it yourself.

    So, last one there was a cat, huh? Who won?

    Thanks again for the Thursday smile. I look forward to it every week. Sending ear scratches for the girls.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I think it was a draw. Lucy usually wins, but that count of three was an equalizer. Thank you, Staci.

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  3. Jane Sturgeon · ·

    Much ❤ to you all, John and good luck with your yard work. Xx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Jane. So far so good.

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      1. Jane Sturgeon · ·

        Way to go, John. ❤ Your blog tour is running along nicely, which is so good to see. Xx

        Liked by 1 person

  4. If you want something done right, do it yourself, right? I love how curious Twiggy is. Don’t over do it, John!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you, Jill. I hope to just do it, not over do it.


  5. Not enough toes! Oh, John!
    I love that last line: last one there’s a cat! Tee he hee.
    Thanks for the Thursday giggles, and I hope the yard work goes smoothly 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think it will. The crew we had were destroying the grass. They had something on thewheels of their mower which I suspect was gasoline that was killing the lawn. Don’t need that for sure.


  6. Thursdays are always a highlight with the pups leading the way. Hope it’s not too hot for your lawn work. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We have reached the tolerable temperatures, Gwen. So it won’t be too bad. Thank you.


  7. Can always count on the pups to be right up in your business when you’re trying to keep things done, can’t you, John? My husband was trying to repair a pipe under the kitchen sink the other day and our Lab tried to crawl under with him. 😂 Love these fur kids….

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You hit the nail on the head, Lori. If we get down on the floor for anything, Lucy and Twiggy assume we need a bath. I had that under the sink issue not to long ago too. Gotta love them though. Thanks.😊

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  8. Oh, those two! We used to have a German Shepherd who wanted to nip at the wheels of our lawn mower – until we started the engine. Would make him move every time!

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    1. Hahahaha. I can see that. I put the girls inside for the actual work or I would have had the same problem.

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  9. It’s always good to start my day with Lucy and Twiggy!

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  10. Mon Dieu, dear John! Twiggy & Lucy might be a perfect trimmer team…out of the lawn, of course! 🙂

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  11. Ah, good old yard work. That’s when having kids around pays off. hee-hee

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    1. I think given the total time of twenty minutes, I’ll go this direction. 😂

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      1. Smart move!

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  12. These two may take plenty of naps, but they never miss a thing.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, they are on the spot when it comes to anything out of the ordinary.

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  13. Keeping that lawn comfy for the girls. Do a good job, John.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes. I have the dog mandate for sure.

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  14. Oh fun! Not for you – but a needed infusion of Lucy and Twiggy!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, indeed, Noelle. Thanks.


  15. Bond hates it when hubby does yard work – totally interrupts his nap. So, which girl was lucky enough to be a cat?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It was a draw. The count of three was the equalizer. Usually Lucy wins. (not surprising given her reach.) Thanks, Teri.


  16. “Last one there is a cat.” I guess if you’re a dog that’s hitting pretty low, LOL.
    I wonder if cats say “last one there is a dog.” 😀

    Thanks for the smiles, John, and good luck with the yard work!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mae. I believe cats would come up with something that is highly intellegent and germain. I’m not sure they recognize dogs at all. 😊

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  17. This tells me the weather has moderated to the point where you can get outside and do a spot of work, right, John?! Love the girls’ discussion about it — and the incentive to win the foot race!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Yes, the weather is less hot. Makes for more pleasent yard work. I did mow when it was 100 degrees though.

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      1. Beastly!! Hope you’re pacing yourself, my friend!

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      2. Yes indeed. Thanks, Debbie.

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  18. How do you keep your equipment in such a pristine shape? Or is it brand new?

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    1. The mower is new. I’ve used is about six times. It has a rinsing port where uyou just attach the hose and it cleans itself under the deck. I usualy rinse off the trimmer and the blower never gets dirty

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      1. Our mower has that rinsing port, too, but it never worked properly. And other than that: my equipment always gets dirty. Looks like I’m a messy person. 😉

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      2. We are all messy it seems.

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  19. Frankly, I think it’s good for you to do your own lawn 😉 Gives you a little exercise and you know it will be done the way you like it. My boys do a shitty job but I figure they’ll be gone soon enough and I will be one with the mower and must get a trimmer, too.
    Love the banter between the girls!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Dale. Yes a trimmer is a must. I love my Ryobi battery powered trimmer.


  20. “The last one there is a cat…” Ha Ha!! These two! Yay for you, John, doing your own yard work. That’s the only way to assure that it’s done right!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Or at least to my specifications. Thanks, Jan


  21. Lawn Looking Lovely!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Billy Ray.

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  22. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Nothing like a freshly mowed lawn!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Reminds me of a Loving Spoonful song.

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      1. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

        Daydream 🙂


  23. Love seeing the pups playing! I always enjoyed mowing my own lawn … when I had one to mow. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is much better to do one’s own. 😁

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  24. Did your helpers stick around to supervise? At least you waited until it started to get a little cooler but remember to take breaks. You will be ready for Friday and the weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They bugged out like I was going to go to the vet. No help at all. Thanks, Jo.


  25. LOL. Too funny, John. Don’t work too hard out there. Hugs on the wing.

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  26. Last one there’s a cat, lol. Your lawn is so green! Everything here is a nice shade of straw 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha. Water. Lot’s of water.

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  27. I’m sure you are not ad old as they think.

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  28. Not enough toes, huh, John? 🙂 Well, your lawn looks so nice. Ours and our neighbors’ yards were inundated with gophers this summer. I’ve never seen such relentless damage from gophers. 🙄

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Those devil gophers. Thanks for the visit, Lauren.

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  29. Have you named your lawn mower? My dad always named his — at least, I thought “infernal time-sucking machine” was its name. Be sure your machines know what kind of “Twiggy” they’re dealing with, lest she get blown away.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She has been banished to the house on all machine activities. Have a great weekend, Linda.


  30. If that was your mowing job, you did good, John. It’s nice you have a couple of managers to help you. 😀 — Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. They never fail to be useful. 😂 Thanks, Suzanne.

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  31. LOL! “Last one there is a cat!” I laughed out loud on that one!

    I know how you’re feeling. I had a housekeeping service after Baby Girl was born for two months and by the end, I was happy to be doing my own house cleaning again. She didn’t do a good enough job for me either.

    Now that I’m getting old I’m thinking it might be nice to hire a service once a year just to do the tough deep cleaning that requires extra elbow grease and a ladder, but we’ll see how much longer I can do it myself first.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah deep clean is for someone else for sure. Have a super weekend, Deborah.

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  32. These always make me smile, John. I like the comment about the crew making her bark until she was hoarse! Haha 🙂 Will you come over and cut our grass when our son goes off to college?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I will be more than happy to cut your lawn for free, Barbara. All I ask is for you to cover expenses on my Lear Jet and gin bill. 😁

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      1. Haha – we have a mower and weed whacker you can use so you can travel light!

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  33. Your grass is looking amazing, John.

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    1. Thank you, Robbie. The lawn guys almost did it in. They have been gone for three weeks and the damage is pretty much overcome now.

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  34. I want to be a fly on the wall…oops the yard, when this happened. The lawn looks fabulous. We are facing the same dilemma. Hubby loves his rider mower and yard tools, yet the lawn service that does fertilizing and other stuff has become pretty bad. Did Twiggy and Lucy help at all? And I thought you were a bourbon guy, not gin. A gin and tonic in the summer is a treat. Best to you, John.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was just the opposite. I did all the fertilizing and had a cut service. Had to get rid of them before they killed everything. They came in with what I thnk was gasoline on the wheels. Lucy and Twiggy were sent inside. They are too interested for their own safety. Gin, bourbon, tequila, and scotch are all in my wheelhouse. Thanks, Jennie.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wise move to do it yourself! Gas on the wheels? It takes forever for grass to recover from that. My wheelhouse is boring, just white wine, but I do love a good G&T. You are far more adventurous. 😎

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      2. 😁 Or have a big problem.

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      3. Oh, no!! When I commented ‘yup’, I just saw your fun emoji, not “Or I have a big problem”. My ‘yup’ was that you’re far more adventurous, NOT have a big problem. I am so sorry… I hope you laugh at this, John. Actually, it is funny. 😀

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      4. No worries. I didn’t even think about yup in any context.

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      5. I hope you saw my comment on my ‘snafu’.

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      6. You are too funny!

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  35. Hahaha! Your reputation most certainly precedes you.

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