Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF – Fri-Yay/Good News

Jem and Zoe, rescued from Tiger King Park – credit: Lions, Tigers, and Bears Animal Sanctuary

Today’s story comes from the Good News Network.

Two Big Cats from Infamous Tiger King Captivity Thriving in San Diego After Sanctuary Helps Save 69 Tigers

A San Diego wildlife sanctuary is proud to report that two of the 69 tigers rescued from the infamous collection of the ‘Tiger King’ Joe Exotic are thriving at their Alpine, CA location.

Participating in the rescue of the cats, Lions, Tigers, and Bears Animal Sanctuary took three years to help the pair of Bengal tigers, Jem and Zoe, put on normal weight and get back to their wild ways, but that perseverance has paid off.

Netflix introduced the world to the US tiger trade with a landmark docu-series, Tiger King, in 2021. The series centered around Joe Exotic’s private menagerie collection and his difficulties with a woman named Carole Baskin, the owner of Big Cat Rescue.

Exotic is now in prison, serving 21 years for conspiracy to commit murder after attempting to hire two hitmen to take Baskin out. Tiger King Park in Oklahoma was closed for ongoing violations of the Endangered Species Act.

An organized effort to relocate his 69 captive tigers to sanctuaries around the country saw Lions, Tigers, and Bears (LTB) take in two adults, Jem and Zoe.

“Their condition was dire, marked by severe malnutrition, emaciation, dull skin, and other issues,” LTB told Fox News 5 San Diego. “The trauma from long-term abuse led to the development of uncharacteristic behavior, such as not eating for days at a time.”

However, LTB’s efforts succeeded, and after three years, the pair are “living their best lives in their forever home.”

People can visit Zoe and Jem at the LTD Sanctuary by reservation only. Still, the sanctuary relies on visitors and contributions to perform life-saving rescues like those from Tiger King Park.

As their name implies, there are more than just tigers there. Visitors can see lions, bobcats, and leopards, along with other large animals beyond the Panthera (big cat) genus.

The good news in this article is over 69 tigers were saved from suffering in a deplorable situation and two of them are thriving. Also, here is a link to an article that will update you on how well the other tigers are doing (Hint: Real well),really%20changed%20for%20these%20tigers.

Today’s JohnKu talks about shame. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Captive by John W. Howell © 2024

It made great TV,

Tigers and crazy keeper . . .

The shame of Netflix.


  1. It is great that the 69 Tigers were rescued. I remember when the series about the Tiger KIng came out and so many people were saying how great and fun he was and how that woman Baskin was such a b***. I could not agree. I just felt that he was some sort of narcissist and then at the end it turned out that he was.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can’t imagine filming a show while the animals suffered. Shame on Netflix.

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  2. Great to read uplifting news. They are such beautiful creatures!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are. Thanks, Joy.


  3. Gwen M. Plano · · Reply

    Thank you for sharing this hopeful news, John. I was unaware of the sanctuary, but now will surely visit it. Great Johnku – shame on Netflix for sure!

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    1. I can’t imagine just letting the abuse go on without stepping in. They were funding the show after all. Thanks, Gwen.

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  4. So glad someone helped the poor buggers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A lot of help. Thanks, Craig.

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  5. Happy kitties.. <3

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  6. This *is* good news.

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    1. I agree. Thanks, Chel.

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  7. THIS is the news worth knowing. And that these magnificent creatures were saved from certain death heartens me. They’re magical.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree. It is amazing how demented that trainer is.

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      1. That’s what humankind does, sadly. They believe they are the keepers of these creatures but of course, they’re not.

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      2. Obviously not. Thanks, Marc.

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  8. I watched the Tiger King. What a train wreck that guy was. I’m glad the tigers were restored to good health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too. He certainly is a nut case.

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  9. Looking at the bright side, if Netflix had not aired this stupid show, these tigers and other animals might still be in dire straights. Thankfully, they are not. This is wonderful news, John.

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    1. I still don’t understand the morality of filming a story in miserable conditions without trying to help. Just me I guess. In any case it ends well for the tigers. Thanks, Dale.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No, I agree. I refused to watch it. At least it ended well for the tigers, indeed. Thankfully.

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      2. Yes, thankfully.

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  10. I can see why you picked this story! This is terrific news!

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    1. Thanks, GP 😁

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  11. I’m glad they’re thriving and were recued from their horrible situation.

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    1. I join you in that thought, Deborah.

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  12. I love hearing stories like this. Thanks for an uplifting post, John!

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    1. Thank you, Teri.

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  13. Yes, shame on Netflix. Thank goodness this story has a happy ending.

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  14. Never saw the show. All anyone talked about were the people, so I didn’t know the animals’ condition until now. Makes me question why so many people raved about this series in a way that made it sound positive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hard to see abuse I think.


  15. John, thank you for sharing this article. I’m so glad the tigers were rescued. Tigers are my favorite big cat. 🩷🌷🌺


    1. Thank you, Kymber. This comment was in the spam folder. Great work by WordPress.


  16. I don’t have Netflix, and for once, I’m not sorry. How could someone film those poor animals. I’m so glad that they’ve been rescued and that these two are doing so well.

    Reminds me a little of a man in Texas who, I’m told, rescued a panther and a puma 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😁 Thanks, Dan. I agree on the question of how.

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  17. That guy is sick! To call himself Exotic while he is being so cruel to those magnificent animals that they had to be rescued. And he hired guys to murder a woman! On top of all that, bull feces Exotic ran for President of the United States.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He did? Man, where have I been?

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  18. Exotic Joe was in my neck of the woods for the past couple weeks and people were camped out at the jail downtown with signs to “Free Joe Exotic.” Nut jobs, all of them. So wonderful that these tigers are doing well and finally, living their best life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, Lois. Nut jobs all.

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  19. I have to add an Oh My! of course. Rescues always warm my heart and this was a really important one. The exotic animals trade is shameful and shameless …. and heartless.

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    1. It is Noelle. I so agree with you.

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  20. We consistently rail against the abuses of animals and yet we always seem to want to watch the documentaries.

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    1. I do not understand that at all. Thanks, Pam.

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  21. D.L. Finn, Author · · Reply

    I hadn’t heard about the show, but I’m so glad the Tigers were rescued. I wouldn’t watch anything that profits on animal abuse. Thanks for sharing the Tiger good news, John:)

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    1. Thank you, Denise. I wouldn’t watch it either.

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  22. I never watched the show, and didn’t follow the story in the news but heard snippets along the way. What a nightmare. Thanks for the link and the spotlight towards doing good in the world. Great Haiku, John. ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Audrey. I can’t imagine why people liked the show.

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  23. What great news, John. Thanks for sharing the update. I feared Baskin would end up with the tigers, and her place didn’t look much better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That would have been a nightmare. I would hoe someone would take her animals away as well.


  24. I’m so glad these beautiful animals are being looked after and are now in their happy home. I’m appalled at humans and their greed, and their disregard for animals.

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    1. I am too, Darlene. A sad thing.

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  25. Many thanks for this good news story-I hadn’t realized Alpine had a big cat rescue there. There’s The Wild Animal Sanctuary about 44 miles from Denver who has also rescued similar big cats (from circuses and private owners like that low life Joe Exotic-my gawd what’s wrong with some people?). It’s stunning and heartwarming to see them thriving. You’re absolutely right, shame on Netflix…some things just shouldn’t be produced in the name of profit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Monika. I forgot to mention on your post I hope you have a great time at your Dads.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, John. It’ll be a fun few days with us all there.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I love those kinds of gatherings.

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  26. Awww, so good to hear these two tigers are thriving. I watched the Netflix series and was glad when Joe went away and the animals got rescued!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah he was defiantly a few cards short. Thanks, Jan.

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  27. Wonderful so many were rescued and helped John.. Tigers are in danger, and sadly many of their habitats are being destroyed.. So its good to see some Good News about them thriving in captivity.. Even though running free would be better… Sadly their natural world is getting smaller..🙏 ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are in definite danger running free.

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      1. Yes agree in todays world they are from Man. sadly..

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      2. Yes it’s true.

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  28. The shame, indeed!!! I was so happy when this all started falling apart for Joe Exotic, and love your update, John! Of all animals in the world, I love cats (of every kind) the most. This is such a wonderful way for it all to turn out for these beautiful beasts! Thanks for sharing!! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. Thanks, Marcia.


  29. We must save these beautiful animals. Thanks for the wonderful post.

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  30. petespringerauthor · · Reply

    I’ve never seen Tiger King, though I’ve heard a lot about Joe Exotic. I am curious about Netflix’s role. Did they glorify this guy and his mistreatment of animals?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not sure but they did the usual filming without getting involved. Would be like doing a documentary on the guards of Auschwitz.

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  31. Yes…EF Netflix. I’m not a subscriber, and now never will. be. I’m good at boycotting and not breaking down.

    A good JohnKu, but the … netprix …shame could be dug in deeper.

    By and large many making money off the backs of animals don’t care about animals, unless their wallets are in danger.

    I mean puppy mills, unorthodox cat breeders, factory farms…. I feel sick.

    Anyway, happy news today. Thank you, John!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes the news is happy even if the world of animal abusers still exists.🐂🐂🐂🐂

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      1. 🐂🐂🐂🐂💋

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      2. 💋🐂🐂🐂🐂💋

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      3. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Goodness. Hows the chapstick suppy holding up. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋


  32. Wonderful to see those beautiful animals rescued snd nurtured back to hood health.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is. Thamks, Steve.


  33. That whole situation was a train wreck. Wasn’t it?

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    1. More than a train wreck, Mark. It involved innocent animals which in my mind classified it as a moral nightmare.

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  34. Hi John, I am happy to know these animals are all doing well know. It is a tragedy that this happened but the situation has at least been salvaged 😊

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    1. I agree, Robbie. This whole thing was beyond reason. I’m glad it ended well for the animals


  35. I remember hearing about that show during Covid, but never watched it. Interesting to hear this follow-up story, of sorts. I can’t help but wonder if the animals were in such bad condition while the show was running. I’m guessing not, or surely they would have been rescued sooner. Big cats are my favorite animals, so I’m glad to hear these are now okay.

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    1. The person that Exotic put a hit out on was one bugging him about the conditions of the animals. I think the abuse was going on during filming.

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      1. And yet the filmers wanted their ratings more than justice for these animals. 😦

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      2. That’s the way I see it.

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