Top Ten Things Not to do on a Plane

a airplane


Here is the 50th installment of Ten Top Lists of What Not to Do by Marie Ann Bailey of 1WriteWay at and John W. Howell of Fiction Favorites at These lists are simu-published on our blogs each Monday. We hope you enjoy.

Top Ten Things Not To Do When Traveling by Plane

10. When traveling by plane, do not think that you can fake being 75 or older so you won’t have to take off your shoes since you are self-conscious about foot odor.  At best, the TSA agents will just roll their eyes as you stoop and shuffle over and then will patiently insist that you remove your shoes since your ID makes it clear that you are not as old as you claim.  At worst, the TSA agents will decide that you must have some mental health issues and flag you as someone to be examined in the TSA office which causes you to miss your plane and totally gross out the TSA agents in the small examination room with your smelly feet.

9. When traveling by plane, do not expect that the happy, cooing baby seated behind you will remain happy and cooing once the plane takes off.  At best, the parents will attend immediately to the baby whenever it starts to cry.  At worst, the parents will ignore the baby, as apparently they always do, and it will be your eardrums which will suffer more from the baby’s ear-splitting screams than from the change in cabin air pressure which is causing the screaming.

8. When traveling by plane, do not assume that the carry-on bag you bought online for half-price will actually fit in an overhead bin.  At best, you’ll be the first to wedge your bag into the bin and can ignore the other passengers whose bags are smaller but unable to fit because your bag is so large.  At worst, a big guy named Tiny will pull out your bag, drop it in your lap, and put in his own. You’ll be stuck having to check your oversized carry-on at the last-minute unless you foolishly want to argue with Tiny.

7. When traveling by plane, do not think you can escape screaming babies by hiding in the lavatory.  If you do, at best, you’ll only face a long line of angry passengers when you finally come out as the plane is preparing to land.  At worst, the flight crew will summon an air marshal  and forcefully extricate you at a most inconvenient moment.

6. When traveling by plane, do not think you can time your use of the lavatory to coincide with the smoothest part of the flight.  At best, you’ll be lucky and only be slightly jostled about on the toilet as the plane hits some minor turbulence.  At worst, the plane will hit an air pocket, causing the plane to drop sharply, you to accidentally open the lavatory door as you grab the handle for stability, and the flight crew to be forever marred by an image of your blue water-colored naked bottom half.

5. When traveling by plane, do not assume that the passenger behind you won’t mind if you put your seat all the way back.  If you do, at best, that passenger and all the ones behind will be the doing the same thing, causing a strange but convenient domino effect.  At worst, the passenger behind you will show displeasure by choosing that time to pitch forward and have a sneezing fit over your head making you wish you had brought an umbrella.

4. When traveling by plane, do not think it would be a fun idea to tease your fellow passenger’s cat while the passenger is in the lavatory.  At best, the cat will only hiss and growl as it backs into the corner of the pet taxi when you stick your fingers through the grate.  At worst, you’ll have a lot of explaining to do to the flight attendant and your fellow passenger when you ask for help in retrieving your hand from PsychoKitty’s clamped jaw.

3. When traveling by plane, do not think that you can imbibe several alcoholic drinks and somehow be sober when your 10-hour flight ends.  At best, the flight attendant will be aware of your naiveté and water down your drinks so you can disembark without assistance.  At worst, you drink yourself into a Bermuda Triangle stupor and wake up hours later in a TSA’s office, strapped to a wheelchair and not having answers to the questions being asked by Fritz the head interrogator.

2. When traveling by plane, on your return flight, do not think your fellow passengers will find it amusing if you sing along with the movie Happy Feet, which you’ve seen several times already.  At best, all the passengers will choose to use headsets to tune you out.  At worst, you just might be faced with a mass passenger mutiny where walking the plank takes on new meaning at thirty-five thousand feet.

1, When traveling by plane, do not pull an Alec Baldwin and insist on taking a cell phone call just when the captain requests that everyone turn off their phones and other electronic devices.  At best, a flight attendant will gently but firmly take your phone away from you and refuse to return it until your plane has landed.  At worst, the captain and flight crew will pay a personal visit to your seat and escort you off the plane, (after landing if you are lucky) totally ignoring your claim to be a very important person.


  1. Screaming kids on inter-continental flights………bad memories


  2. #5 is always a headache. Mostly because putting the seat back too far means the person behind you loses a functional tray. Balancing a bag of chips, a can of soda, and a cup of ice on your knees during turbulence should be an Olympic event.


    1. Not to mention the laptop which will become full of chips, soda and ice.


      1. That’s why I do notebook work in flights. Though that’s even worse. Maybe we should invent that cryo-sleep tube you see in sci-fi movies.


      2. I like to use a transporter myself. Gotta make sure there are no insects in the entry side though.


      3. Or you materialize with your head on backwards. 😀


      4. Or head where the sun don’t shine. 😀


      5. I know some body with that condition. Now I know how they got that way. 🙂


  3. Good morning, John. Given your years in business, I imagine that a lot of these items bring back (bad?) memories for you 🙂 I remember when flying was exciting and fun. Now, eh, not so much 😉


    1. Oh so many memories. I flew mostly on American and United. Both were pretty consistent. UGH.


      1. Yeah, our last trip to CA was on American. Non-eventful on the way out but on the way back, we had two plane delays. Both times we were trapped on the plane for 3 hours. We swore we would never fly American again, but … Fares being what they are 😉


      2. Sure. It’s like vowing never to eat another Big Mac


  4. The rocket scientist has been having to travel a lot for his job in the past two years. Mostly he complains about screaming babies and no space for his knees,


    1. The baby problem would go away if parents knew how to pop a bottle at take off to relieve the ear pressure. No cure for knees.


  5. And oh dear. I can see myself committing #1…


    1. You can get Kleenex boxes to sub for shoes

      On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



  6. Having just completed a long haul flight, I’m sitting in the lounge catching up on blog reading. I wish I’d had this before flying 12 hours, though it was an uneventful experience (other than when my bladder chose a moment of turbulence to insist on the facilities.)


    1. Jacob’s law number six. The need to visit the facilities is in direct proportion to how difficult is it to use the facilities.


  7. A cat? People take cats on airplanes? I’m getting one…


    1. Sure do. Is a counter measure to the screaming kids.


  8. This was great! The #1, though. Isn’t that what happened to Alec Baldwin? Didn’t he get escorted from the plane? Definitely not a time to play Words with Friends!


    1. Yes Alec is the poster boy for behaving like a jerk.


  9. My son was around 6 months old the first time we flew with him. Trip there was bliss, he slept the whole way. Trip back, not so much – he turned into a wailing, ear-splitting bundle from hell that wouldn’t take a bottle, paci, nothing. I still have nightmares about it. I’m sure the other passengers do as well!


    1. Have been there myself. Very scary.
