Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Lucy Visit No Dog’s Land

“Lucy. What are we doing back here in no dog’s land?”

“I thought we should get out more and see new things.”

“Yeah, but we never come to this part of the yard.”

“You have to ask yourself why.”

“No, I don’t. I know why.

“Okay, want to fill me in?”

“This part of the yard is filled with nothing but ghosts.”

“Ghosts? Listen to yourself. There’s no such thing as ghosts.”

“You can believe that if you want to, but I know different.”

“You do, eh? Well, tell me what you know.”

“Late at night, when no one is around, I see a weird light back there.”

“Weird light? Oh, you must mean the camera.”

“Camera? What the heck is a camera doing back there?”

“It’s a security camera for the gate back there. The light comes on when there is movement.”

“Ah ha. And just what moves in the middle of the night?”

“The wind blows the trees, and they move. The camera reacts to the trees.”

“So you are saying there is nothing else causing the light to come on.”

“That is what I’m saying.  Ask mom if you don’t believe me.”

“I wonder if mom ever saw a ghost on the camera?”

“Oh that would be a good question to ask her. I think your answer would be a fast trip to the feelings doctor.”

“Still wouldn’t it be great if she got an image of one.”

“You’ll never know till you ask. By the way keep me out of it.”


  1. Maybe Twiggy can call up those Ghost Hunter fellows if she saves up enough kibble.

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    1. ow that is a good idea. I’ll let her know. 😁

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  2. Inquiring minds what to know…. but what if they find out there ARE things besides the wind out there? I dunno… best let sleeping dogs lie…
    Happy Thursday!

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    1. Good point, Dale. Let sleeping dogs lie is a good piece of advice. 😁

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      1. Tee hee 😉

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  3. Well…. what’s mom’s answer?

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    1. Let me feel your forehead. You feeling okay?

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      1. hahahha, I sometimes wonder….

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  4. LOL! I enjoyed the girl’s expedition this morning. I love the Producer’s pink bike!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. She is the talk of the neighborhood I’m sure. 😁

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  5. Wow, John. There’s your next story. The freaked out dog and what’s on the security camera.

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    1. Sounds like a good one. Thanks, Craig.

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  6. I like the idea of it being ghosts better than trees.

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    1. Yes, of course you would. 😁

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  7. I can see the girls doing a paranormal show–believer and skeptic debating the “evidence” on the recordings, both staying up late to monitor what the camera catches. If not a ghost, I wonder if there are pumas sneaking into the yard. Good thing Twiggy’s on the case.

    Belly rubs to both of them. Thanks for a fun morning, John.

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    1. Thank you, Miss Staci for the belly rubs. Yes, Twiggy will get to the bottom of most anything. We have to protect her from a Blair Witch situation though.

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  8. It’s a good thing you don’t have a belfry…ooooh👻

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    1. That would be an interesting item to add to the mix wouldn’t it. Thanks, Jim. 😁


  9. I must confess: I expected raccoons or possums as the cause of the movement, not trees. That seems a little odd. I can’t help wondering…

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    1. Our yard is fenced in such a way that the critters don’t think it worthwhile to enter. Our front camera picks up skunks, possums, fox, cats, dogs, peacocks, deer, lizards. That camera in the side yard is focused on the gate but the swaying trees to cause it to trip the security light.

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  10. If curiosity killed the cat, maybe a feelings doctor does the same for a dog – or maybe the pup just makes a new friend. Fun exchange, John. 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Gwen. Glad you liked it. 😊


  11. I love Lucy’s parting shot!

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    1. She has some good ones sometimes. Not wanting to be involved in Twiggy’s silliness is a constant on her part.

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      1. As my mother used to say in reference to my brother, “He has the cutes; don’t encourage him.”

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      2. Ha ha ha. Love that.

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  12. Ah, a new adventure. I can see this developing into something more. Twiggy won’t give up the idea of seeing a ghost! Love it!

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    1. She’ll probably do a Colombo treatment of the subject. 😁

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  13. Ghosts imitating the wind. Twiggy is onto their tricks.

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    1. She just mat be onto them for sure. Thanks, Charles.


  14. Sage advice – Oh by the way Keep me out of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Done. Take this three finger glass and go sit down.

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  15. Lucy the wise. Twiggy’s imagination is at it again!

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    1. Yes it is, Noelle. Thank you.


      1. What else will she find (imagine) back there? She reminds me a little of Winnie the Pooh and the hefalumps!

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      2. There might be some of them there too. 😁

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  16. Mystery solved! Good thing it wasn’t an intruder.

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    1. Yes indeed. An intruder mess is tough to clean up. 😁

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      1. My back yard motion sensor lights lit up last night, and it was a skunk!

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      2. Ah, what is it about the smell of skunk in the morning? 🤢

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      3. Actually, John, I scared it away by tapping on the window. 🙂

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      4. Yeah that would get to me as well. 😁

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  17. John, I love their conversations — and the terms you come up with for them. LOL, feelings doctor… (My therapist spent 4 years, trying to make me mad. When she finally succeeded, I’m pretty sure she regretted it. LOL) Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My therapist kept asking, “How does that make you feel?” One day I answer that I thought I should save his hourly fee and go on vacation. He agreed.


  18. Those lights mystify our cats too 💕

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    1. I’ll bet they do. 😁

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  19. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Never know what’s going to show up on those cameras, the girls are right!

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    1. So true. Thanks, Denise.

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  20. And on a windless night??? What sets off the light then, my doggie friends? Ghosts floating aimlessly, soundlessly, but maybe with a soft bark or two.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Windless might be another question. 😊

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      1. A supernatural question … 🙂

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      2. Not a normal question but a paranormal question. 😁

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      3. You are the best.

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  21. Those Lights catch those Ghosts every time… 🙂 When you go to see what set them off… Its Ghostly quiet.. 🙂
    Lovely Story John.. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Sue. Yes all you hear is crickets. No sign of anything on the camera.

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      1. 🙂 we don’t get so much as crickets in England.. But we do get bats which fly by the lights which turn them on.. Along with Hedgehogs 🙂

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      2. I think I’ll take the low moving and grounded crickets. I’m not much for being slapped in the face by a bat.

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      3. Lol… they are my least favourite flying mammal, but they do keep the insect kingdom in check 🙂

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      4. Yes we have a colony here in Austin and they are very much appreciated.


  22. Twiggy will probably be looking for ghosts during the day back there. She is brave!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think she is already doing that. Thanks, Jo


  23. I like Twiggy’s explanation. A little intrigue, a little mystery, a little spooky.

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    1. Yeah I don’t know where she gets that. Thanks, Pam.

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  24. I wonder if Ghostbusters is still in business? Bill Murray and the girls would all get along, and he’d make them laugh while he looked for ghostly clues. I’d bet he’d charm Mom too.

    I love the repartee between them, how they volley back and forth…along with that lovely expanse of green.

    Makes a girl just want to play a round of golf. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I know what you mean about golf. Never went nuts over the game but did enjoy it when I played.

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      1. It’s a Connecticut thing. I think I came out of the womb wielding a putter. 🙂

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      2. I took lessons in 1967 and played sporadically for 40 years. Could hold my own but never enjoyed it all that much.

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  25. Cameras have been known to pick up some strange apparitions, so you never know. Good to see the girls, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jan


  26. Twiggy’s imagination and curiosity is the best! I bet Mom said no ghosts. 🙂

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    1. She wondered if we needed to go to the feelings doctor. “Are you warm. Let me feel your forehead.”

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      1. That is so funny, John! 😅

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      2. 😁 Glad you liked it.

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  27. “I’m with you all the way. But if Mom asks, I don’t know you.”

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    1. Good posture for sure.

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  28. Oh I’ve missed visiting with Twiggy & Lucy! They go on the best adventures!

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    1. Thank you, Mar.

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  29. I’d never considered swaying trees as the cause of activating the security camera, John. Somehow, I thought it might be from squirrels (but I suspect the girls would’ve chased all them off, huh?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes they would chase the squirrels off. 😊

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  30. LOVE this! Sounds like Lucy is setting Twiggy up for some trouble.

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    1. She generally tries to keep her out of trouble but Twiggy has a strong head and once Lucy gives it a shot then Twiggy s on her own.

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  31. Well, I hope Mom said there were no ghosts! Twiggy sure has a wide scope of imagination! 😀

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    1. She put her hand on Twiggy’s forehead and said, “You seem warm. Maybe we should call the feelings doctor.”

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  32. Ghosts in the Twiggy Resort? I say! 😊😊😊 Is this a puma or a cat? Anyway, it is something extraordinary, dear John. 🙂

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    1. Yes and we will have to get to the bottom of it. Thanks, Maria.

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  33. Hahaha. Funny, but it’s true. We’ve had a ghost of sorts coming through the alley of my neighborhood. Wouldn’t you know now everyone has motion lights and cameras. I’ve had many of them assure me I’ll be fine since their camera picks up parts of my yard based on their house placement. Oh, goodie. I’ve always wanted to be on camera. Not. Ugh. And heaven forbid I take the trash out after dark. Those lights pop on from a distance. We aren’t living very close together either. Crazy. Lol

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    1. We have ours aimed at our yard only. The front one does pick up the whole drive but it still does not pick up any neighbors houses. I would hate someone putting a camera on me.


  34. I want to know what Mom said…it’s always the wind…but what if it isn’t? 🙂
    This was fun, John!

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    1. Mom said,”Let me feel u0uir forehead. I think you might be coming down with something.”

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      1. Haha, John! Just what I thought Mom would say! Our imaginations can go wild sometimes, can’t they? 🙂

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  35. Okay girls, that no dogs land is spooky.
    Don’t go there at night!
    I’d like to add, mom would never see a ghost on the camera. You can’t see ghosts. So, there could still be one!
    Okay tell dad to OXen up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Miss Resa. Told Dad to OXen up and here’s what he said.⭕️❌ ⭕️❌ ⭕️❌ ⭕️❌

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      1. Ohhhhh red hot Oxen!
        I’m sending in the big boy!

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      2. Oh man. Hard to beat that guy. 🐂 🐂 🐂 🐂

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      3. Yes, he’s hard to beat, and he’s not going anywhere.
        Unfortunately he tried to nest in the mini corral for the mini OXen, and crushed it. He’s currently still sleeping on it.
        OXen are not known for their mental acumen.
        I’ve got the mini OXen in an empty drawer for the time being.
        The large OXen are staging a protest against Big Boy moving in with them.

        Never a dull moment!

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      4. I wouldn’t want Big Boy moving in either. Here is some help 💣⚒
