Tag Archives: authors

Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“I think I’m going to take this lounge.” “Go. ahead but notice there’s no pillow.” “You’re right. What the heck?” “Complaints don’t work around here.” Friday has come. I can’t decide if the week’s been long or short. If you looked in yesterday you know Lucy went to the vet for a teeth cleaning. She […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Lucy Visits the Dentist

“Hey Lucy. Why are you on the couch?” “I was at the dentist yesterday and am still recovering.” “Well I better keep watch for you then. I think the UPS person is due.” “Don’t worry Little One. I’m not in the mood to be barking him to St. Louis today. You’ll be on your own.” […]

Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

  Another week in the history books. I hope it was a good one for you. As you may know, Gwen Plano and I are in the process of launching our collaboration titled The Contract. There will be a lot of information about the book during the launch, so there is no need in publishing […]

Prompt is as Prompt Does – Community Story Board

It’s Sunday, and time once again for the Weekly Prompt at The Community Story Board.  Go here for details http://wp.me/p3xQw1-1Ga This week is to  see what everyone can do with the word “Yesterday …” Interpret it as you will, but the word yesterday must appear somewhere in your work, be it the title or in the middle of a sentence. Write […]

Grumpy is as Grumpy Does

More research activity turned up an interesting article at Mental_Floss written by Stacy Conradt titled; 11 Authors Who Hated the Movie Versions of Their Books. I thought it interesting since there are listed some pretty good movies and some surprising reasons why the authors of the original story hated them.  Here is a recap of […]